Motivation to Travel as A Result Of Work Stress and Life Routine: The Case of Egyptian Vacationers

Document Type : Original Article


Facualty of Hotels and Tourism - Alexandria university


Nowadays, most Egyptian vacationers are encouraged more and more to go on holiday. It has become a “normal” decision 

in their lives. This study examined the role of stress and routines as a motivator encouraging people to take decisions to 

travel for a holiday. It attempted to find what that means for the way they decide on their vacation. If stress exists, what 

factors influence holiday decision-making, and destination selection. This study investigates the potential of travel 

xperiences as a stress and routine reliever. The study was based on an exploratory qualitative approach for data collection 

including 46 random sample of Egyptian managers, workers and households. The results revealed the benefits of tourism 

trips influencing vacationers‟ life satisfaction. Stress relief seemed to be one of the main implicit factors that tourists 

onsider when making a decision to travel in general or to choose a particular destination. Furthermore, tourism marketers 

may use these results in their provision and communication of services to Egyptian tourist market. 
