Mills in Egypt at the Greek period

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University


The word technology can be defined as how society does things and not how it thinks about them. Suffice it to say that technology is defined as how we use science, while science is the study of nature around us and the establishment of scientific laws. Technology is the practical application of these laws in ways that are sometimes not strict in order to achieve A material purpose, which is what the ancients did in an attempt to benefit from the natural resources around them, and they were able to invent primitive machines that helped them work and live in daily life (White, 2003, 1).
In classical antiquity, there were four main sources of energy: humans, animals, water, and wind. Human power was mainly used in tasks that required efficiency and craftsmanship, while the second power, which is animal power, was important for use in pulling, pushing, or moving objects and heavy equipment, and also the third power, which was the power of water propulsion, which was used to pump and raise water to irrigate agricultural lands. The fourth force, which is the force of the wind, was used to sail ships.
