Developing Heritage Presentation through the Concept of Creative Industries -An Application on Islamic Heritage Residential Buildings in Cairo-

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of tourism and hotels, Alexandria University

2 Faculty of tourism and hotels, Alexandria university


In recent years, the concept of heritage has witnessed broad interest in both academic and social spheres and among the most major processes related to heritage is the process of heritage presentation, through this process the audience can discern the different values associated with heritage. Therefore, the development of a preliminary framework for the presentation process could cause a major effect on supporting the various values of heritage. Besides, modern trends like creative industries have a tremendous contribution to presenting heritage value as they essentially rely on talents and creative skills.
In this regard, the study aimed to propose a heritage presentation program based on the idea of creative industries. Thus, the study has employed an analytical-descriptive methodology to describe the main concepts of heritage presentation and creative industries. Additionally, observation and semi-structured interviews were conducted to identify the dimensions that may affect the adoption of the creative industries concept in representing islamic heritage residential buildings in Cairo.
In Conclusion, The study revealed that despite the transformation of some Islamic residential buildings to become creative centers belonging to the Cultural Development Fund, the domains of creativity did not exceed music creativity, and this did not reflect the essence of the historical and aesthetic value of these heritage buildings. Therefore, a heritage presentation program was proposed to link heritage residential buildings through a creative itinerary.
