The New comedy in the Greco-Roman Era and Its Influence on the Art in Egypt "3rd Century B.C- 3rd Century A.D" (Applying to Mosaic Glass Plaques)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University

2 Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University


New comedy has appeared in 336 BC, and its plays were derived from daily life, and with satirical humorous themes, which were highlighting problems of social life, and faults, to resolve the deterioration of society. The founder of this type of comedy was "Menander". New comedy was spread very widely in Egypt during the Greek and Roman eras, and its plays were beloved and preferred by all members of society who were always concerned about their daily lives, and the artists were also among these individuals. Therefore, this research aims to show the influence of new comedy on art and artists in Egypt, especially on the minor arts which represented in comic masks, actors' statues, lamps, lanterns, incense burners, vessels, mosaic glass plaques, and others. In our research we will focus on the mosaic glass plaques, as they are considered one of the most important pieces of new comedy, which were discovered in Egypt in huge numbers.
