The Political Reception Ceremony in Granada through Ibn Khaldun’s Journey

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Arts - Alexandria University


Ambassadors and Messengers are among the most important representatives of states; Since they are the language of the country that talks about its foreign policy, they must be trained, educated, and use the best methods and means that express the size and value of the country from which they were sent. The host or receiving country must use the best means to receive them. As the sender and the addressee undoubtedly express the cultural value of each of them, and the reception of ambassadors in Islamic civilization has received great interest on the part of Islamic jurists, so they put scientific books for this science that are studied by everyone who wants to join this field, and Islamic civilization has struck a lot in this science So that he made it one of the first nations in setting the ceremonies for the reception of the messengers and ambassadors.


Volume 18.1, Issue 1
Special Issue for the International Webinar "The Power of Cultural Heritage in Socio-Economic Development”, 2021
December 2021
Pages 130-143