Covert Israeli Intervention in the Yemeni Civil War between 1964 and 1966

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary Academy of Scientific Research  Technology, Egypt

2 Department of International Studies Institute of Welfare Society, Kodolányi János University, Hungary


A military coup took place in Yemen on 26 September 1962, which quickly culminated in a civil war. As one of the episodes of the Arab Cold War, the armed conflict transformed into a kind of proxy war in which the ultimately victorious republican side enjoyed direct military assistance from the UAR, while the monarchist side was backed with money and weapons by opponents of Arab unity aspirations, especially Saudi Arabia. The Yemeni clashes promised a number of benefits for Israel. Above all, the UAR, Israel’s main opponent, was directly involved in the fight. Therefore, it has been a high priority for Israelis to involve the Egyptian armed forces as much as possible in the fighting on Arab territory, while the Israeli Secret Service could gain valuable information about the Egyptian troops’ combat procedures. For this reason, they were ready to cooperate when the British contacted them to support the Yemeni monarchists by air. The main aim of this study is to present the background of the Israeli intervention, the organization and operation of the air bridge, and to assess the effects of the operation.
Keywords: Yemeni civil war, Israeli intervention, Arab Cold War, President Nasser, the Six-Day War, United Arab Republic, Arab unity aspirations.

Volume 18.1, Issue 1
Special Issue for the International Webinar "The Power of Cultural Heritage in Socio-Economic Development”, 2021
December 2021
Pages 48-56