Heritage Utilization and Community Engagement: The Role of Museums Outlets in Heritage Tourism. "Royal Jewelry Museum”in Alexandria as a Case Study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University, Egypt


Heritage Tourism is a sort of activity of discovering the heritage of a city, region, or country (Icomos, 1999). The notable and social assets related with individuals, occasions, or angles of a community’s past to deliver the community’s sense and offer assistance to tell its story. These assets are the foremost substantial reflections of a community’s legacy. History can and should be used as a selling product for a community.(Icomos, 1999)The recognition of an area’s historic resources can increase and sustain tourism, and support economic development through private investment, and citizenship building.(Benson, 2010)
Heritage tourism provides a chance for the tourist to learn about,and be surrounded by local customs, traditions, and history of the place. (Commission, 2016) From the concept of connecting tourism which is one of the world’s largest industry with heritage ,as an essential parameter to a community’s economic vitality, profitability, and sustainability, comes this research paper subject to highlight the heritage utilization tools and Community Engagement vale
through the role of museums outlets in heritage tourism with a case study on the "Royal Jewelry Museum” in Alexandria . When communities’ travel-related bodies accomplice with open or private organizations, the noteworthy, social, and common assets are more successfully advanced to meet the legacy travelers crave for enriching experience.(Icomos, 1999)


Volume 18.1, Issue 1
Special Issue for the International Webinar "The Power of Cultural Heritage in Socio-Economic Development”, 2021
December 2021
Pages 18-31