Recently, marketing tourist destinations has received great attention from researchers and marketing officials alike as a result of the fierce competition between these destinations that seek to increase their share of the global tourism movement. Therefore, this research attempted to shed light on the personality of the tourist brand and its role as one of the factors for the success of marketing tourist destinations, as the personality of the tourist destination is considered one of the supporting elements for distinguishing tourist destinations and one of the reasons that give the tourist destination uniqueness and attractiveness. In the midst of the fierce competition currently occurring between tourist destinations, the personality of the brand or the personality of the tourist destination comes to give this destination special competitive advantages and helps build a distinct mental center for the destination in the mind of the tourist. Therefore, those responsible for tourism marketing in Egypt must work to distinguish Egypt as a tourist destination by focusing on the dimensions and characteristics of its attractive personality for tourists to improve Egypt’s tourism image and attract a larger number of tourists whose personalities are linked to Egypt’s personality as a tourist destination, which creates loyalty among these tourists, which is evident in their repeated visits to Egypt and their recommendation of it to their relatives and friends, which has the greatest impact in placing Egypt in a better position on the world tourism map.
Mohammed Abdul Hadi, D., & Ibrahim Al-Sayed, L. (2010). Evaluating the Personality of the Tourist Brand and its Role in Developing Egypt as a Tourist Destination. The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 7(1), 167-192. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2010.160428
Dalal Mohammed Abdul Hadi; Lamia Ibrahim Al-Sayed. "Evaluating the Personality of the Tourist Brand and its Role in Developing Egypt as a Tourist Destination", The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 7, 1, 2010, 167-192. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2010.160428
Mohammed Abdul Hadi, D., Ibrahim Al-Sayed, L. (2010). 'Evaluating the Personality of the Tourist Brand and its Role in Developing Egypt as a Tourist Destination', The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 7(1), pp. 167-192. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2010.160428
Mohammed Abdul Hadi, D., Ibrahim Al-Sayed, L. Evaluating the Personality of the Tourist Brand and its Role in Developing Egypt as a Tourist Destination. The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 2010; 7(1): 167-192. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2010.160428