A Comparative Analytical Study of the Decorations of the Throne Hall in the Palaces of the New Kingdom

Document Type : Original Article



The research deals with a comparative analytical study of the decorations of the throne hall in the palaces of the New Kingdom. Despite its archaeological and artistic value, we only have a few rare archaeological remains of the decorations of the throne hall in the sites of the palaces of the modern state and a group of unique decorative fragments in the Metropolitan Museum, the British Museum, the Louvre Museum, and the Boston Museum, which can be compared to the scenes represented on the tombs of the modern state numbers T226, T48, T120,T192,55, 57, in order to deduce an idea of ​​what the decorations of the throne hall in the palaces of the New Kingdom were like and the distinctive artistic features of those decorations, with an attempt to create an idea for employing the decorative fragments that were found.