Proposed Vision for Ecotourism Development Plan in the Wilderness Part of Ras Mohammed for Natural Heritage Management in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Tourism Planning Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University

2 Instructor, Department of Tourism Studies Faculty of Tourism and Hotels - Alexandria University


The development of the tourism industry in Egypt is linked to the interest in the natural environment and the support of its resources. It represents the natural heritage that is relied upon in balanced and continuous tourism development. Nature reserves represent one of the most important means of preserving the natural heritage by taking measures to protect and conserve the environment in those areas. The most important challenges facing the planning thought of tourism activity are the clarity of the planning vision for the areas of nature reserves - due to their environmental sensitivity and the inevitability of their distinctive planning vision - whether within the framework of the regional plan or through the implementation plans for the integrated development of the reserves due to the inevitability of awareness and balance between interest in a diverse group of factors governing the development of the tourism planning system for those areas with environmental sensitivity. The study focused on the importance of an integrated planning vision for one of the most prominent natural reserves in Egypt, which lacked such integrated visions in its planning thought, as attention was focused on the marine side only without an integrated vision for the region. Therefore, this study was interested in developing a planning vision for the development of the land part of the Ras Mohammed Reserve, whose importance has emerged and research treatment has been rare, making it one of the research priorities now.
