The Role of Employee Ethics in adopting Rink Marketing in Tourist Bazaars

Document Type : Original Article


1 Environmental Studies and Research Institute

2 Tourism Studies Department - Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Sadat City University


The Study aimed to explore the Role of Employee ethics in Tourist Bazaars in adopting the Pink Marketing pattern. To achieve the aim of the study; the two researchers designed a questionnaire and distributed it to a random sample of employee in Bazaars in many Egyptian tourist cities. The Researchers distributed 417 questionnaire, and 387 were retrieved, and 352 were valid for analysis, with a response rate of 84.4% using IRTPRO V.4.1 and SPSS V.25. The study found that there is a significant and positive correlation between employee ethics level in tourist bazaars and the adoption of the pink marketing pattern in those bazaars, the study also revealed that employee ethics affected positively the degree of adopting a pink marketing pattern in tourist bazaars with a rate of 51.5%.
hhe tourism industry is one of the most prominent industries in which professional ethics represent the basic base from which all business and various activities start. In light of the intense competition, adherence to professional ethics has become an indispensable element to attract more clients among the competing tourism countries (Al-Taie and Al-Khafaji, 2015). Tourism activity - as it is known - is primarily a service activity that is characterized by extreme sensitivity in dealing with customers during the performance of the service, so adherence to ethical behaviors greatly supports building strong and long-term relationships with customers, and contributes to its sustainability.
