Defining particles in ancient Egyptian language is by no means one of the most crucial tools that helps identifying structure and textual coherence. Only few literature dealt with the occurrences of the enclitic particle A in textual sources. This article aims at analyzing sentence constructions with the particle A, introducing interpretations of the particle and its position in word order. The diversity of the sources where it occurs adds value in interpreting its specific translations, uses and function. Examining the different occurrences of the particle concerned in the corpus of textual sources is therefore fundamental in translating texts. The study therefore contributes in understanding the exact meaning of the texts, and provides better interpretation of archaeological sources. The approach adopted in pursuing and studying the textual evidences where the particle occurs depends mainly on the construction or particle to which A was attached in each case. It is therefore an attempt to study the different occurrences of the particle, and whether it affects the sequence of idea and the type of expressive value that it adds to the meaning.
Merzeban, R. Y. M. (2020). On the aspects and function of the enclitic particle 3. The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 17(2), 219-231. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2020.33152.1023
Rania Younes Merzeban Merzeban. "On the aspects and function of the enclitic particle 3", The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 17, 2, 2020, 219-231. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2020.33152.1023
Merzeban, R. Y. M. (2020). 'On the aspects and function of the enclitic particle 3', The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 17(2), pp. 219-231. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2020.33152.1023
Merzeban, R. Y. M. On the aspects and function of the enclitic particle 3. The Scientific Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, 2020; 17(2): 219-231. doi: 10.21608/thalexu.2020.33152.1023